
Happy Leap Year!

Welcome to February 29, 2008.  Here are some fun leap year/calendar facts that you can use to impress all your friends...

  • Every year that is divisible by four is a leap year; of those years, if it can be divided by 100, it is NOT a leap year, unless the year is divisible by 400. Then it's a leap year.
  • The Gregorian calendar has a 400 year cycle until it repeats the same weekdays for every year.
  • The Gregorian calendar has 97 leap years during those 400 years.
  • The longest time between two leap years is eight years.  The last time that occurred was between 1896 and 1904.  The next time will be between 2096 and 2104.
  • Ja Rule was born on February 29, 1976.
  • The calendar year and the solar year are just about a half minute off.  At that rate, it takes 3,300 years for the calendar year and the solar year to diverge by a day.



Driving home on Monday night (thinking in my head)...
"I'm going to have to see so many girls wearing Ugg boots tomorrow.  I hate snow."


Sinking My Teeth In (or: baby micah's first bite)

Oh, why howdy partnerinos! I'm Micah Sergey, the new blagger in these here parts. Being far from an unprofitable servant, I hope to enstate the following:
  • Monster drawings (see: above)
  • Kick-butt Bulleted Lists
  • Theologicalish postings
  • Your Mom jokes
  • Graphs
  • Graphs of your mom!
  • Self-referential conclusions
Now, two blaggers you say? What could become of that? And there, I reckon, lies quite the quagmire: where as blags usually have some continuin' thematic stream--or brook as I might say--there is the danger that this here brook might become no brook at all, but instead a flea market of hootchie cootchie ideas parading around like fireflies--not even trying to get along. Well, things may be rough at first: ideas may be dropped, picked up, and dropped again; series may be started and forgot; comments may be misplaced; and html tags may start interminglin' with each others. But if my bones ain't deceiving, and they most likely ain't, people from all over, with obscure IP'z--some only three numbers--will start to request our RSSs; parents will gather'n their young'n around the warm glow of the Minima theme; and there will be whispers all across the lands that are barely audible but loudly perceivable, and they will say: "What insight, what creativity, and what frequent posting is to be found on Just words, the greatest blag of them all!"

And so, my friends, the water starts to rise... The brook begins to boil...