

Due to Kim's recent irresponsible and irrational life choice of becoming a vegetarian, I will double my efforts as a meatatarian and consume two animals for every plant that she eats. I will also continue to eat candy on a regular basis to offset any healthy activity that I have done in the past 24 hours. Also, I would like to begin marketing a restaurant idea that some of my compatriots at school and I have come up with. Yes, it's the endangered species restaurant because hey, some of these animals won't be around very long so you better get em while they are hot! As a bonus, if you are the lucky customer who eats the last individual of any species gets a dessert for free!

Meat, it's whats for dinner



This is it, kiddos. I am going vegetarian. Here's the thing... I've been pretty close to calling it quits with meat for a while now but have never really had a problem with it so I never did. This gave me the option of consuming poultry whenever I felt like it (which was only once every week or so). I have no problem with animal hunting or anything of that nature. I do not support PETA. I don't care if my friends choose to eat meat. I physically feel a lot better not eating meat and it forces me to choose healthier options. That's it. What pushed me over the edge was my cousin's kid puking up chicken at Easter brunch today. Something about that... ew. So here I am. I fully well know that it's not going to be easy but (like everything else in life) the best things require work. Here's to vegetables!


What Groups Discuss

A new study shows what we all know to be true: groups talk about redundant information. The study determined that groups spend most of their time discussing information that is already known by all members, and that they are unlikely to transmit information that is unique to only a few members. This explains why every bonfire we have turns into an hour long Seinfeld quoting session. 


Cuba Libre!

The President is lifting a travelling ban that has restricted travel to Cuba since the early sixties. This is an encouraging step. America's sanctions against Cuba don't really make any sense in a post-Cold War world. Hopefully the trade embargo will be rescinded sometime in this administration. 


What Would Jesus Deconstruct?

Many Christians seem to view postmodern thought as a serious threat to the church, because of its challenges to truth claims. However, this simplistic dismissal misses much of value in the postmodern intellectual movement. There are many things the church can learn from postmodern thought, and many opportunities produced by an acceptance of a plurality of points of view. Our generation's rejection of the Enlightenment worldview has created possibilities for Christian perspectives to be taken seriously in intellectual dialogue. Postmodernism has also produced a healthy criticism of modernity's materialism and scientific worldview. This line of thinking has come to enrich Christian theology as well, notably in the Radical Orthodox theological movement. 

If you are interested in postmodern thought or contemporary literary theory, perhaps you would be interested in this recent book: